May it Fill Your Bowl: A Cookbook From Planina


Because the music Planina performs is inextricably linked with celebrations, food, dancing, and community, the group decided to create “May It Fill Your Bowl: A Cookbook from Planina,” which includes over 70 recipes: mostly Eastern European plus a few potluck favorites from Planina members and friends.

More than a year in the making, the cookbook features ethnic recipes ranging from Russian crepes to Hungarian cold cherry soup to Bulgarian cheese pastry to Greek lamb stew. There is a bounty of desserts, from the simplest to the most impressive (Slovenian walnut pastry roll or Lithuanian mushroom cookies, anyone?) The book concludes with illustrated instructions for working with filo dough, the paper-thin sheets used for baklava and other pastries.

Each recipe has been lovingly tested and tasted by group members, instructions clarified, and informative introductions written. The recipes are wrapped into a soft cover, coil bound, graphics-rich 184 page book, just in time for holiday giving.  

Click here to see the title page and table of contents.

Ordering instructions:

To purchase your cookbook, send a check payable to Planina for $20 plus $2.50 per book for shipping and handling (to addresses in North America) to:

Planina Songs of Eastern Europe
c/o 1328 S. Vine Street
Denver, CO 80210

Or contact us by email or phone to give us your shipping address and arrange to pay via Paypal or Venmo. Call +1-303-733-1120 or email