Planina totebag


Missed the Planina reunion? Here's a way to support Planina and equip yourself for "green" shopping at the same time.

The Planina 20th Anniversary Reunion tote bag is a classy, red-and-cream, heavy-duty canvas tote with snazzy red shoulder straps, a zipper, and an external pocket decorated with a Planina logo and slogan. ("We sing it in Albanian, Armenian, Aromani, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian [etc.]...") A comparable, extra-large bag at L.L. Bean costs $37 and doesn't benefit Planina!

Price $20 each
(includes $5 postage and handling per bag)

Please make checks payable to Planina and mail to
Planina Songs of Eastern Europe
c/o 1328 S. Vine Street
Denver, CO 80210

Questions? Call 303-733-1120 or email